Hoyo Epicure Especial


The Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure Especial is one of my all time favourites. A cigar to be enjoyed with a small glass of something special and a sunset. The length is perfect for those special moments when you have a little more time on your hands to reflect and enjoy a great Cuban cigar.

The Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure Especial is one of my all time favourites. A cigar to be enjoyed with a small glass of something special and a sunset. The length is perfect for those special moments when you have a little more time on your hands to reflect and enjoy a great Cuban cigar. The 50 Gauge diameter allows all the complex nuances of flavour to fully develop throughout the experience.

Hoyo de Monterrey owes its origin to the town of San Juan Martinez, which lies at the heart of the Vuelta Abajo region. Here the plantation, one of the great Vegas, Finas de Primera, can be reached through a gate on the town’s main square inscribed “Hoyo de Monterrey, Jose Gener 1860”. Jose Gener, a Catalan, first used the name on a brand of Habanos in 1865. The flavour of the blend found in Hoyo makes it an attractive choice for those who seek a delicate yet aromatic cigar that is lighter to the taste.


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